Become a Trustee

As a Society for the Benefit of the Community, with Charitable Status, The Peninsula Trust is required to have a Board of Directors (we choose to call them Trustees). Trustees are either elected as representatives by members or are co-opted to the Board because of their specific skills.

If you are interested in helping The Peninsula Trust by becoming a Trustee, please contact now.

Member elections are held each year at our AGM.

We welcome applications from any of our members, however we are particularly looking for trustees with experience in any of the following areas: financial responsibility, governance of non-profit organisations, knowledge of statutory services and support services, housing, legal, communication/social media, grant/funding, risk management, business and enterprise.  

Click here to download the Trustee Application information and form.

The duties of a Trustee of The Peninsula Trust are to:

  • Ensure The Peninsula Trust is carrying out its purposes for community benefit. 

  • Ensure The Peninsula Trust complies with the rules in the governing document of The Peninsula Trust and the law (e.g. submitting accounts, holding AGMs, paying tax due). Trustees are not expected to know the law but to know when to seek expert advice. 

  • Act in the best interests of The Peninsula Trust. 

  • Manage The Peninsula Trust’s resources responsibly. 

  • Always act in good faith.  

If you are not yet a member, please join here.